Nordic regionalisation of a greenhouse-gas stabilisation scenario

inter-annual and decadal variability of annual mean temperature and precipitation does not change with any significant degree. The changes in temperature and precipitation are not evenly distributed with the season the largest warming and increased precipitation in Northern Europe occurs during winter Last updated:

2D meso-scale re-analysis of precipitation, temperature and wind over Europe - ERAMESAN


The need for long time series of gridded meteorological data with a fine spatial and temporal resolution has increased in recent years. The requirements for this type of gridded meteorological data fields arise from many different areas of the society, in connection to atmospheric environment …

Type: Report
Report Series: RMK 112
Author: Anna Jansson, Christer Persson, Gustav Strandberg
Published: Dec, 2007
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Temporal and spatial monitoring of eutrophication variables in CEMP.

guide contracting parties in their evaluation of the temporal and spatial coverage required to adequately assess the relevant water body". This document summarises the national reports submitted to the OSPAR Intersessional Correspondence Group on Eutrophication Monitoring, and highlights common problems Last updated:

Machine to machine – feeds

available. Feed readers are implemented in several web browsers (including Internet Explorer and Firefox). If you search for data via SMHI’s Atom feed and receive an XML file that is difficult to read, this could be because your web browser does not have a feed reader. This can be solved by finding and Last updated:


Seas (including Kattegat and Skagerrak) as well as its implications on fish habitat and spawning grounds (e.g. cod reproductive volume, de-oxygenation, primary production). Main Project Partners University of Oslo University of Bergen Technical University of Denmark SMHI Stockholm University Åbo Last updated:

Research news

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Drought warning system being developed in South Africa

Centre for Climate Change Adaptation at SMHI and the Centre for Climate Science and Policy Research. Seasonal forecasts The new warning system is fundamentally based on meteorological seasonal forecasts extending six months into the future, and hydrological models that can project water availability and Last updated:

Publications hydrological research

List of latest publications and reports from the hydrological research unit at SMHI.  .  Last updated:

High resolution oil drift forecasts

Seatrack is a system for calculation and presentation of the spread of different substances and objects in lakes and watercourses, and is used for risk analyses, zones for protection of drinkiing water and operative control of oil discharges. In connection with the control of pollution it is highly Last updated: