Camilla Andersson

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Cruise report from R/V Argos week 3, 2007


Surface water temperatures were above normal in all areas. Surface salinities were high in the Kattegat and the Sound and an inflow to the Baltic occurred the week before the expedition. In the Southern Baltic Proper concentrations of phosphate were raised in the surface water. Otherwise, nutrient …

Type: Report
Author: Bengt Yhlen
Published: Jan, 2007
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Manu Thomas

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Over-fertilisation of the sea


Nutrients that are added to the sea are a natural requirement for all marine life, and are not an environmental issue. Problems start to occur when nutrients are added in such large amounts that the function and character of the ecosystem is negatively affected.

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Geography of the Baltic, the Kattegat and the Skagerrak


The sea surrounding Sweden is a part of the Northern Atlantic. It lies on the North West European continental shelf and is relatively small and shallow. Basic information such as drainage areas, the shape of the sea, area, depth, volume and contact points with neighbouring seas is needed to …

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The Baltic Sea


The Baltic Sea is the body of water that meets Sweden on the south and east coast. The annual river runoff into the Baltic is 440 km³/year, precipitation is 225 km³/year and evaporation is -185 km³/year. The net difference of 480 km³/year runs out through the Sound.

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Mean annual sea level


The mean annual sea level is calculated by regression of the annual mean value of the sea level over many years. It has a practical value, as it is used to decide the actual depth based on information in navigational charts.

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Sea surface temperature


Surface water temperature varies seasonally, from just below zero up to 25 degrees. The temperature of the deeper layers is fairly constant, 4-6 degrees all year round. Water temperature is regulated by sunshine, atmospheric radiation, heat transfer, and mixing.

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Surface currents


Surface currents are currents in the top few metres down to the next layer which could either be a layer with a different temperature or a more permanent saltier layer.

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