Cruise report from R/V Argos week 12, 2002

The temperature as well as nutrient conditions in the surface layer were mostly normal for the season in all areas. The positive effect of the earlier inflows through the Sound was not any longer to be seen in the eastern Gotland Basin. The concentration of hydrogen sulphide was high. Oxygen Last updated:

Cruise report from R/V Argos week 31, 2003

Surface nutrient concentrations were low in all areas, which is normal for the season. A heavy bloom preliminary of Aphanizomenon "baltica" and Nodularia spumigena was seen at stations in the Baltic Sea, though it was less prominent in the Soutwestern parts. Oxygen levels below 1 ml/l was found in Last updated:

Cruise report from R/V Argos week 44, 2004

On the Öland side of the West Gotland Basin oxygen conditions at the bottom were good. The lowest recorded concentration was 3.1 ml/l at a depth of 66 meters. The lowest recorded concentration in the Bordholm Basin was 1.0 ml/l at a depth of 60 meters. Other 10 stations in the Hanö Bight had oxygen Last updated:

Machine to machine – feeds

all the oceanographic parameters made available by SMHI. When you have selected a parameter you then choose from a list of stations and vessels (ferryboxes) that measure your chosen parameter. Finally you select the time interval in which you are interested. Depending on data availability there can be Last updated:

Algae report number 9, 2013

This report presents the results from two September cruises. A small diatom bloom was proceeding at the Skagerrak coast and in the Kattegat area during the second cruise. In open Skagerrak, the plankton flora was scarce with a few small species in low cell numbers. The integrated chlorophyll a Last updated:

Evaluation of the SMHI coupled atmosphere-ice-ocean model RCA4-NEMO

this century. As a part of the validation of RCA4-NEMO we present an analysis and discussion of the hindcast period 1970-1999. The model realization is compared to observational records. Near surface temperatures and heat fluxes compare reasonably well with records of in-situ measurments and satellite Last updated:

MyOcean 2

SMHI is involved in many work packages of the project, but the Research and Development Department is mainly involved in creating a more than 20 years long (1989-2012) reanalysis for the Baltic Sea and the North Sea. In a reanalysis, the data from observations and a model are blended in an Last updated:

BaltiX V 1.1 : A 3D Ocean Modelling Configuration for Baltic & North Sea Exchange Analysis

thermo-haline as well as the ice structures and variability of the Baltic Sea. One can also cite HIROMB [6], which is a North Last updated:

Seatrack Web

Seatrack Web can be used for many purposes. One use is to forecast the drift of a spill to plan appropriate counter measures. Another use is to track the origin of a spill and combine it with AIS data to find a suspected ship of an illegal dumping. The system consists of a three dimensional spill Last updated:


oftast vid marken men också runt inte alltför välblandade plymer. Effekten av det senare har emellertid minskats genom att initialt utnyttja en uträknad koncentrationsprofil på ett visst avstånd, AX, från källan. Hittills är AX= 1 000 m vid initialisering med Gaussmodell. Vi kommer senare att införa Last updated: