50 decision-makers from Africa at SMHI's climate course


Two new rounds of the international programme “Climate Change” have been held at SMHI. This time the institute was visited by almost 50 decision-makers from international organisations and companies in Africa.

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Example of wind map


We analyse extreme weather events such as storms. Their intensity and extension can be shown graphically with maps and animations.

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Example of temperature map


Toward the end of January 1999 extremely cold weather hit Norrland, where Karesuando touched the Swedish record for January with -49.0°C on January 27.

Karesuando is the northernmost village in Sweden, 250 km north of the Arctic Circle, on the same latitude as the middle parts of Greenland and the …

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Environmental policy

Environmental issues constitute a high priority and are an integral part of our management system. SMHI has been certified to ISO 14001 standards for its environmental management since 2003.

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Quality Management

Quality issues constitute a high priority and are an integral part of our management system. SMHI has been certified to ISO 9001 standards for its quality management since 2003.

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Cooperation - national and international

Weather, water and climate cross all boundaries, and therefore SMHI cooperates with many Swedish and international organisations, both in daily production and in development and research.

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The expert authority SMHI is organized into five departments.

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