HOME Water


- action planning for lakes, watercourses and coastal waters via the web
With the web service HOME Water, it is possible to carry out a cost-effective action planning in accordance with EU’s framework directive for water for lakes, watercourses and coastal waters.

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Measurements in the air and water


- as planning documentation
SMHI carries out qualified measurements of the air and water which form the basis of economic and environmentally strategic decisions. The investigations concern physical and/or chemical conditions.

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Dispersion calculations and risk assessments


- in connection with emissions
SMHI calculates how pollutants and other emissions disperse into the air and water under different conditions.

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Wind study


- for planning of settlements/housing/buildings etc.
Are you considering how your constructions will affect the wind climate near patios, walkways, entrances, play areas and balconies? A preliminary wind study will provide you with answers to your questions in relation to where the wind blows the …

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Wind power at sea


- information on winds, waves and currents
We can provide necessary information for planning of wind power plants at sea, including environmental and climatic analyses.

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Waves and current conditions


- documentation for the dimensioning of harbour facilities and objects in open water
Surveys of local wave and current conditions, with different types of solutions depending on the object and the level of ambition.

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Future seawater levels


- support for development planning on the coast in a future climate
Global warming may lead to a general rise in sea levels. Based on climate data we calculate what the local seawater level will be in the future along with the various risk levels involved.

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Flood mapping


- plan for constructions close to water
We help you calculate the water level and evaluate the risk of flooding in extreme situations.

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Prepare for future climate


SMHI assists you in planning

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Flows and tides


- planning documentation for constructions near water
Calculate extreme flows and levels based on both historical data and future climate scenarios.

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