Local Assessment of Vulnerability to Climate Change Impacts on Water Resources in the Upper Thukela River Basin, South Africa - Recommendations for Adaptation.


This report originates from a project entitled Participatory Modelling for Assessment of Local Impacts of Climate Variability and Change on Water Resources (PAMO), financed by the Swedish Development Agency and Research Links cooperation (NRF and the Swedish Research Council). The project is …

Type: Report
Report Series: Klimatologi 1
Author: Lotta Andersson, Julie Wilk, Phil Graham, Michele Warburton
Published: Sep, 2009
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Cruise report from R/V Argos week 38, 2009


Nutrient concentrations were, with few exceptions, normal throughout the investigated area. In the western part of the Arkona Basin the water below the halocline was well oxygenated with levels exceeding 4 ml/l. In the rest of the Baltic Proper oxygen concentrations below 2 ml/l were observed at …

Type: Report
Author: Bengt Yhlen
Published: Sep, 2009
Last updated:



- the fastest and most reliable path to the latest weather forecasts
SMHI Edge brings the greatest benefits to you working with trading, on an investment bank or analysis agency. This is the fastest and most reliable way of obtaining the latest weather forecasts. Data is delivered the same moment …

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SMHI Added


- more reliable forecasts thanks to SMHI models and meteorologists
SMHI Added includes products that are processed by SMHI models or meteorologists, all in order to make it possible for you to increase the reliability of your decision bases.

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SMHI Content


- clean model data, weather forecasts, climate parameters or observation data
SMHI Content is suitable for all those who need to take into account the impact of weather on business/operations. The products of this segment are based on clean model data without data processing.

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SMHI Forecast Control


- optimize the energy consumption
Forecast Control is a tested method that makes it possible to utilize the heat-storing properties of a building, as well as solar and internal energy, considering upcoming weather.

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Optimizing energy consumption by forecast control


- sound knowledge of how buildings are affected by weather.
Forecast Control with SMHI WeatherSync ® allows you to optimize energy consumption while reducing the environmental impact.

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Algae report number 9, 2009


A diatom bloom was observed at the Skagerrak coast (Släggö) at the time of the latest sampling, 22nd of August. The diatom Skeletonema costatum was found with high cell numbers and the species diversity was high. The chlorophyll a concentration in the surface was enhanced, although the integrated …

Type: Report
Author: Ann-Turi Skjevik
Published: Sep, 2009
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Ice accretion on ships with special emphasis on Baltic conditions


Since the middle of the 1960-ties, ice accretion reports have been collected from ships travelling in the Baltic. The data from these reports have been processed and the relation between ice accretion and meteorological and oceanographic parameters have been studied. The investigation comprises …

Type: Report
Report Series: RMK 7
Author: Lundqvist, J.-E., and Udin, I.
Published: Sep, 1978
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The daily and annual variation of temperature, humidity and wind velocity at same places in Sweden


Hourly observations from aerodroms have been used to calculate hourly means of the most important climatological variables. For those varibles showing a marked daily and annual variation isopleth diagrams have been analysed for air temperature, humidity and wind velocity. The results are given for …

Type: Report
Report Series: RMK 8
Author: Ericsson, B.
Published: Sep, 1978
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