Algae report number 3, 2024


The diatom spring bloom was ongoing at Anholt E and Fladen in the Kattegat, but at all other Kattegat and Skagerrak stations the total cell numbers were moderate although the scene was set when it comes to species. The abundance and biodiversity were low in the Baltic Sea, although moderate amounts …

Type: Report
Author: Ann-Turi Skjevik, Anders Torstensson
Published: Mar, 2024
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Cruise report from R/V Svea week 6-7, 2024


During the expedition, as part of the Swedish pelagic monitoring program, the Skagerrak, the Kattegat, the Sound and the Baltic Proper were visited. In the Baltic Proper extra stations were visited for the mapping of winter nutrients.

The temperature in the surface water was normal to slightly …

Type: Report
Author: Karin Wesslander
Published: Mar, 2024
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International Women’s Day 2024 – SMHI aspires to inspire inclusion


On March 8th International Women’s Day is celebrated globally. On this day, the international development cooperation team at SMHI wants to highlight the topic and the importance of gender inclusion within their areas of work.

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Green4Extremes - Green infrastructure for synergetic climate adaptation to extremes events


The Green4Extremes project will conduct an integrated assessment of how green infrastructure can provide synergistic effects that counteract both flooding and heat stress in cities while making cities more pleasant to live in.

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FANFAR in Burkina Faso - Building resilience through effective operational flood forecasting and alerts

FANFAR in Burkina Faso is a recently started project aiming to support the country in improving the flood forecast and early warning system, building on the achievements of . It is funded by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and will be running until the end of 2024.

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GlobAerBiom – Global biomass-burning aerosols and their aging processes: Insights from the modern era satellites


Biomass burning has major impacts on health, climate and society globally. Using satellite data, researchers will now investigate how aerosols from forest and agricultural fires are dispersed and aged in the atmosphere.

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Algae report number 2, 2024


In the Kattegat the spring bloom seemed to be just around the corner. Diatoms dominated and were composed by species commonly found in the spring bloom. The stations in the Skagerrak, on the other hand, had very few cells but still the bloom species, Skeletonema marinoi was present. The integrated …

Type: Report
Author: Marie Johansen
Published: Feb, 2024
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Meet SMHI researcher Andrea Popp: "It was only then I realised that research was for me"


Andrea Popp is a hydrological researcher at SMHI, and her motivation originates from a deep care for the environment and nature. In addition to her research, she is committed to addressing equality and diversity issues within the scientific community.

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Meet Sara Schützer, who works with international development cooperation at SMHI: "Our work can save lives”


Sara Schützer is the Zumba instructor, scuba diver and former restaurant manager who decided to study hydrology. Sara now travels the world as a project manager for several of SMHI's international development cooperation projects.

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