Oceanographic research

Research is mainly conducted on short-term forecasts and impacts of climate change on the sea and the marine ecosystem. The unit thrives to develop state-of-the-art operational ocean and climate models to provide support to climate services and decision makers for ocean management and protection. Last updated:

SMHI Weather Routing reduces carbon dioxide emissions

Wind, waves and currents are crucial factors in choosing a route at sea. SMHI's services for shipping have the potential to reduce fuel consumption and thereby emissions by just over 430,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide a year - which equates to the annual emissions from more than 170,000 cars. Last updated:

The Chattonella-bloom in year 2001 and effects of high freshwater input from river Göta Älv to the Kattegat-Skagerrak area

In autumn year 2000 and winter-spring 2001 the precipitation in the catchment area of Lake Vänern was higher than normal. During spring 2001, the flow in river Göta älv was around 1200 m3/s, nearly three times higher than the average indicating extreme conditions. The flow in the smaller rivers Last updated:

New data sources in process-based hydrological modeling

, include high-resolution satellite measurements of water levels in lakes and watercourses, innovative applications of drones for snow and watercourse mapping, and precipitation analyses based on signals from cell towers. Last updated:

GAC SMHI Weather Solutions contributes to safer and more efficient shipping

Forecasts from SMHI are an important piece of the puzzle for safer and more efficient shipping, which is the aim of the EU’s Sea Traffic Management (STM) project. Today, international shipping is relatively unregulated when compared to aviation. The route a particular ship is planning to take is Last updated:

Measuring and calculating waves

between two consecutive wave crests. The wave period is the time interval between two consecutive wave crests. The wave velocity (celerity) equals the wave length divided by the wave period. Sea reports give the significant wave height. This is calculated from the height of all the waves during a 20 Last updated:


strong enough and blows for long enough, the whole entire volume of the warmer surface water is blown out to sea, and the colder layer of water underneath (30 m) is brought to the surface. The deeper water often has a temperature of 5-10 degrees and the water out at sea is warmer than at the coast Last updated:

Melting ice in the Arctic in focus on IICWG meeting

period in September this year. It also states that drifting icebergs off the coast of Newfoundland reached lower latitudes than normal, posing an increased threat to marine traffic. Furthermore, the ice cover in the Baltic Sea during the latest ice season measured the smallest surface area since 1720.   Last updated:

Climate Science Information for Climate Action

and explore interactive maps and graphs. Site-Specific Report - here the user can get an instant climate change overview for any location world-wide. The water and climate indicators available in the tools were calculated by SMHI from IPCC data, using ensembles from global (CMIP) and regional (CORDEX Last updated:

Seuri Basilio

Phone 46 (0)11 496 85 31 Email  firstname.lastname@smhi.se Filed of work I work on extreme sea level rise in the Baltic sea and the Nordic sea. My work focuses on applying among other methods, Bayesian Statistics, Extreme Value Theory and Probability Theory, in order to better understand the Last updated: