Magnus Hieronymus

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Cruise report from R/V Aranda week 37, 2016


The temperature in the surface water was high for the season, at its lowest in the northern Baltic Proper at 16.5 °C up to almost 20 °C in the Hanö Bay. The salinity on the west coast was normal or slightly below, in the Baltic Proper it was normal except in the northeast where it was somewhat …

Type: Report
Author: Örjan Bäck
Published: Oct, 2016
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Lars Arneborg

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Invasive species in the Baltic Sea A model study of plankton transport


In this report, an ensemble of releases of passive particles at locations close to some selected ports around the Baltic Sea and Kattegat are modelled. The particles are transported with the currents. Maps of particle densities at 2, 4, 8, 16, 32 and 52 weeks after the release are presented.
The …

Type: Report
Report Series: OCEANOGRAPHY 122
Author: Anders Höglund
Published: Sep 28, 2016
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GreenInUrbs - “Green Infrastructure approach: linking environmental with social aspects in studying and managing urban forests” (COST Action FP1204)


Green Infrastructure (GI) has recently gained prominence as a planning tool at regional and local levels. GI provides a range of ecosystem services, and new initiatives can build on state-of-the-art research and on delivery mechanisms such as urban forestry (UF). However, greater attention is …

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Research Projects

Selection of research projects at the SMHI research department.

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Project 1

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Project 2

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Project 3

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