The new co-developed hydrological service SMHI Aqua is now available online for support on decision-making for water supply

meteorological and hydrological stations, including precipitation, temperature, discharge, water and sea levels. You can change background map and check the measured data in diagrams and table form. SMHI Aqua is presented in the demo with English and Swedish options but it can be set up in any language of choice Last updated:

Scientific focus – Hydrology research

concerns (pollution, water status, environmental flows), dimensioning of infrastructure (return periods, statistics of extremes), and climate impact on all these issues. In addition, the general public receives information on the water cycle, both warnings and for planning recreation. The results are Last updated:

New data sources in process-based hydrological modeling

, include high-resolution satellite measurements of water levels in lakes and watercourses, innovative applications of drones for snow and watercourse mapping, and precipitation analyses based on signals from cell towers. Last updated:

Waves and current conditions

variables such as temperature, salinity, water level and wind A few examples of previous projects form the basis of environmental impact descriptions (EIDs) the laying of gas pipelines off the west coast; wave and current statistics as a basis for searching for oil in the Baltic Sea and the simulation of Last updated:

Downscaling of climate scenarios and support for climate impacts and adaptation

messages? What level of uncertainties does bias adjustment (correction) introduce to regional climate information? How to provide an integral measure of uncertainty for the entire downscaling chain (global climate models / downscaling / bias adjustment / regional impact studies)? What is the spatial and Last updated:

Future seawater levels

seawater levels are specific to one area. To obtain a possible image of future seawater levels in Swedish waters we use the results from the latest IPCC report and from other relevant research. We also take into consideration the elevation of the land, which varies along the Swedish coast. Our assessments Last updated:

Grigory Nikulin

Research leader, Downscaling of climate scenarios to regional/local level and support for climate impacts and adaption work Last updated:

Nature-based solutions

mostly worked with large-scale engineering project design but now multifunctional approaches, such as nature-based solutions, are increasingly in demand in society. These are strategies that use nature and natural processes to deliver infrastructure, services, and integrated solutions to meet increasing Last updated:

High resolution oil drift forecasts

Seatrack is a system for calculation and presentation of the spread of different substances and objects in lakes and watercourses, and is used for risk analyses, zones for protection of drinkiing water and operative control of oil discharges. In connection with the control of pollution it is highly Last updated: