at a process level, and for quantifying the uncertainties in the predictions of regional climate. c. To provide new high-resolution protocols and flagship simulations for WCRP’s Coupled Model Intercomparison Project 6 (CMIP6) project, to inform the IPCC assessments and in support of emerging Climate Last updated:

Cruise report from R/V Argos week 35, 2007

High concentrations of phosphate were measured in the southern Baltic Proper. Silicate concentrations were elevated in the northern parts of the Baltic Proper, while concentrations were below normal in the south parts. The nitrogen components showed normal values. Oxygen levels in the deep waters Last updated:


to Sweden?  Personally I have challenges with different time scales. The short term challenges were related with the difficulty on getting information on how the insurances, of different kinds, works in Sweden. The house and jobless coverage were my biggest concern. The long term challenge was, and Last updated:

SMHI Timbr

forecasts and the product's index of bouyancy is based on hydrological forecasts describing the water's path through the ground. The hydrological basic forecasts are continuously developed by SMHI's hydrology researchers. For SMHI Timbr, we process these together with other data sets in order to respond Last updated:

Climate Adaptation Game

In the Climate Adaptation Game, you make the city Weatherton more resilient to extreme weather. You learn more about how climate change affects our society and find solutions to deal with it. It gives you practice in grasping complex contexts, enhances your analytical skills and capability to solve Last updated:

PM2.5 and BC in Valle del Cauca and Cali region - Workshop

The workshop gathered 35 participants from Colombia and Sweden, all with knowledge and information from the region around Cali. The presentations, followed by questions and discussions, were allowed to be free in length. The presentations given are available as PDF s in the list below. Day 1 Last updated:

Cruise report from R/V Argos week 24, 2005

short stop in Visby, there was summer weather with air temperature over 20°C. The last evening and night of the cruise the wind speed increased to 10-14 m/s. The Skagerrak Surface water temperatures were normal throughout the area. They varied from 13.2°C at the outermost station to 14.0°C at the coast Last updated:

SMHI builds flood forecasting and alert system in West Africa

local levels. "We try to establish an ambitious cooperation across the region with a cascade of users at different levels to share information and take responsibility for their part in the production chain that we are setting up," says Berit Arheimer, Head of the Hydrological Research Unit at SMHI Last updated:

Register and submit your abstracts to the next CORDEX regional climate conference

By participating in this conference you will be part of the solution to regional climate issues, as it will provide an opportunity to interact with scientists, stakeholders, and users of regional climate information. The conference will facilitate discussions on local challenges, including the Last updated:

Cruise report from KBV001 Poseidon week 9, 2013

. The bottom water of the Arkona Basin was well oxygenated. Oxygen concentrations below 2 ml/l were present intermediate at 60-80 metres in the Hanö Bight and Bornholm Basin. The inflow that occurred in the end of January had reached the Hanö Bight and BY4. The next expedition is scheduled for March 20 Last updated: