Cruise report from R/V Argos week 35, 2007

High concentrations of phosphate were measured in the southern Baltic Proper. Silicate concentrations were elevated in the northern parts of the Baltic Proper, while concentrations were below normal in the south parts. The nitrogen components showed normal values. Oxygen levels in the deep waters Last updated:

Cruise report from R/V Argos week 24, 2005

short stop in Visby, there was summer weather with air temperature over 20°C. The last evening and night of the cruise the wind speed increased to 10-14 m/s. The Skagerrak Surface water temperatures were normal throughout the area. They varied from 13.2°C at the outermost station to 14.0°C at the coast Last updated:

Cruise report from KBV001 Poseidon week 9, 2013

. The bottom water of the Arkona Basin was well oxygenated. Oxygen concentrations below 2 ml/l were present intermediate at 60-80 metres in the Hanö Bight and Bornholm Basin. The inflow that occurred in the end of January had reached the Hanö Bight and BY4. The next expedition is scheduled for March 20 Last updated:


information on community, services, models, data and computing can be found. Objectives IS-ENES3 is divided into three main objectives Pursue the integration of the Earth’s climate system modelling community and will prepare the sustainability of its infrastructure. Foster the common development of models and Last updated:

Per Pemberton

this might change with a changing climate. In my research I try to bridge results from large-scale ocean general circulation model simulations with simplified theoretical models to extract the key processes in the different regions. Research Interests       Freshwater processes and water mass Last updated:

Cruise report from R/V Dana week 3-5, 2017


The expedition was included within SLU:s International Bottom Trawl Survey and covered the Skagerrak and the Kattegat. Mapping of winter nutrient conditions was performed in the Skagerrak and 12 stations with complete hydrography were sampled, 3 ordinary SMHI stations were sampled due to a storm …

Type: Report
Author: Anna-Kerstin Thell
Published: Mar, 2017
Last updated:

SMHI has been commissioned by Met Éireann to hold a course in meteorology

The Irish Meteorological Service is in the process of establishing a Flood Forecasting Center. To this end, they have recently hired four new hydro-meteorologists with competences in hydrology, modelling and engineering. They are in the need of a training course in introduction meteorology to Last updated:

Small-scale hydrological modelling

flood Processing and interpretation of different types of rainfall forecasts, translation of the rainfall forecasts into discharge and inundation through high-resolution hydrological and hydro-dynamic simulation, etc. During the flood Observation of rainfall with high temporal and spatial resolution in Last updated:

Pasha Karami

interests The role of Arctic sea ice and fresh water export in the North Atlantic Ocean circulation and climate Investigating the interannual and interdecadal climate variability processes for better representation of future climate Understanding the ocean and climate dynamics by applying high resolution Last updated:

Cruise report from R/V Aranda week 16, 2016

The water temperature was slightly above normal in the whole Baltic Proper. The spring bloom was ongoing in the investigated area. Phosphate showed levels above normal in the southwestern part of the Baltic Proper in the surface water. The concentrations of silicate were still above normal in the Last updated: