Markus Gustafsson

Role in team Group manager Infrastructure Last updated:

Sam Fredriksson

mixing and transport processes, turbulence, marine renewable energy sources, marine invasive species  and climate projections. I am therefore working at different scales - small scales with Direct Numerical Simulations (DNS) of micro-turbulence near the surface in order to study the transport velocity of Last updated:

Cruise report from R/V Argos week 46, 1997

A special sampling program was performed in the Hanö Bight. The winds during the expedition were moderate and had most of the time a direction from between south and east. The weather was mild with an air temperature of about 8°C. The surface water temperatures were normal. The thermocline was Last updated:

Cruise report from R/V Aranda week 6, 2014

were lower than normal and varied between 1.2 and 2.1°C. The salinity was much lower than normal and varied from 19.4 psu close to the coast to 21.2 psu in the central part of Skagerrak, which indicate strong influence of outflowing Baltic water. Both thermocline and halocline were well developed and Last updated:

Cruise report from KBV 001 Poseidon week 31, 2013

, in Kattegat, found at 15 meters depth. In the Sound, several water masses were present, with a shallow thermocline/halocline at a depth of 5 meters and a secondary thermocline/halocline at a depth of 10-15 meters. All nutrients showed, for the season, normal values in the surface water. Inorganic Last updated:

SMHI at Hannover Messe, Germany

SMHI’s experts are attending the industry´s global hotspot the 1 – 5 April. Hannover Messe in Germany the world's largest trade fair and conference for digital applications and industrial technology. SMHI is a partner in the Sweden Co-Lab initiative where we showcase co-creation for innovation with Last updated:

Algae report number 9, 2017

the Skagerrak, at all other stations the concentrations were normal for this month. The Baltic Sea samples typically had small species in low abundancies. Several different genera of small cyanobacteria were present. Dnr S/Gbg-2017-114 2Below follows a more detailed information on species composition Last updated:

Cruise report from R/V Argos week 35, 1997

the expedition. The surface water temperatures were unusually high in the whole investigated area. No visible algae blooms were present. The bottom water oxygen situation in the Kattegat was satisfying. In the pomerian Bay a 2.5-5 m thick surface layer with elevated phosphate and silicate Last updated:

Cruise report from R/V Argos week 28, 2007

temperatures were normal throughout the investigated area. They varied between 15 and 17°C. Surface salinities across the Å-section were between 27.6 and 30.5 psu. Secchi depths were between 7 and 8 metres in the open sea. All nutrients in the surface waters of the central part had been consumed. Closer to the Last updated: