Water protection areas


- flow times in lakes and watercourses
SMHI has the contacts, skills and experience of developing information for the delimitation of protection zones in connection with the establishment of a water protection area.

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Dam safety


- dimensioned flows for safe dams
SMHI carries out hydrological model calculations which can be used for dam safety design flood computations. The flow calculations are carried out both for today’s climate conditions and for an expected future climate.

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Forecasts for snow and icing conditions


- for airports and air traffic services
Based on each airport’s specific needs, we can customise forecasts for the removal of snow and in the event of icing conditions.

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VFR maps


- planning documentation for general aviation
In order to facilitate planning of your flight, SMHI offers automatically generated up-to-date maps and forecast maps.

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LLF – Low Level Forecasts


- low level forecasts for general aviation
For VFR planning f in Sweden, SMHI produces a low level forecast which is presented in text and in graphic form.

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- up-to-date aviation forecasts for the Nordic region
Nordic Significant Weather Chart is a review of the aviation weather in Sweden and neighbouring countries, valid for a fixed moment in time.

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Training in aviation weather and aviation weather services


- for anyone who is interested in aviation weather conditions, large airline companies and small fly
SMHI has a large number of knowledgeable meteorologists and experienced weather observers who are specialised in aviation weather and aviation weather services and who are only too willing to share …

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Wind forecasts


- for airports and air traffic services
SMHI carries out wind forecasts at required levels and at a specific point in time for airports and air traffic services.

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- airport forecasts and observations in Sweden
Observations and detailed forecasts are important aspects of the planning stages for aviation.

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Climate studies of clouds, radiation and atmospheric water vapour - Climate Monitoring SAF (CM SAF)


The CM SAF project is generating, evaluating and archiving high-quality cloud products from satellite data. The products allow detailed analyses of cloud conditions and cloud properties, atmospheric radiation (radiation budget components at surface and at top of atmosphere) and the atmospheric …

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