Expeditionsrapporter från utsjöövervakningen

Rapporter från SMHIs ordinarie havsövervakningsprogram. Rapporterna är baserade på preliminära, endast delvis kvalitetskontrollerade data.

Expeditionsrapport från U/F Argos vecka 3, 2002

The temperature as well as nutrient conditions in the surface layer were mostly normal for the season in all areas. The two inflows in the beginning of late October and November, through the Sound 20 and 40 km3 respectively, have reached the Gotland Deep and the bottom water in the Baltic is now …

Typ: Rapport
Författare: Bengt Yhlen
Publicerad: januari 2002
Publicerad: Senast uppdaterad:

Expeditionsrapport från U/F Argos vecka 49-50, 2001

The temperature as well as nutrient conditions in the surface layer were normal for the season in all areas. Oxygen concentrations below 2 ml/l, were found in the Eastern, Western and Northern Gotland Basins at depths exceeding 70 to 80 metres. Hydrogen sulphide was found from 125 metres in the …

Typ: Rapport
Författare: Lars Andersson
Publicerad: december 2001
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Expeditionsrapport från U/F Argos vecka 46, 2001

The temperature of the surface water in the Skagerrak was some degree higher than normal. The nutrient concentrations were higher than normal in the Kattegat and the oxygen content of the bottom water was lower. Nutrient conditions and surface water temperatures were normal for the season in the …

Typ: Rapport
Författare: Bodil Thorstensson
Publicerad: november 2001
Publicerad: Senast uppdaterad:

Expeditionsrapport från U/F Argos vecka 35, 2001

Nutrient conditions were normal for the season in all areas. Oxygen concentrations below 2 ml/l were found in the whole Baltic Proper at depths greater than 70 to 80 metres. Hydrogen sulphide was present in the Eastern and Western Gotland Basin at depths greater than 90 metres, in the Bornholm …

Typ: Rapport
Författare: Lars Andersson
Publicerad: september 2001
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Expeditionsrapport från U/F Argos vecka 31, 2001

The surface water temperatures were higher than normal in all areas (although the temperature had dropped 1.5-2.5°C in the Skagerrak and northern Kattegat since the previous expedition) with the exception of the Western Gotland Basin. The temperature was 17.2-20.2°C in Skagerrak-Kattegat and …

Typ: Rapport
Författare: Jan Szaron
Publicerad: augusti 2001
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Expeditionsrapport från U/F Argos vecka 28, 2001

The surface water temperatures were higher than normal in all areas with the exception of the western Gotland Basin. The temperature was between 19 and 20.8°C in the Kattegat-Skagerrak and between 16.4 and 19°C in the Baltic.The nutrient concentrations in the surface layer were normal for the …

Typ: Rapport
Författare: Bodil Thorstensson
Publicerad: juli 2001
Publicerad: Senast uppdaterad:

Expeditionsrapport från U/F Argos vecka 24, 2001

Nutrient conditions were normal or the season in all areas. Oxygen concentrations below 2 ml/l were found in the whole Balic Proper at depths greater than 70 metres. Hydrogen sulphide was present in the eastern and western Gotland Basins at depths greater than 125 metres, in the Hanö Bight from 70 …

Typ: Rapport
Författare: Lars Andersson
Publicerad: juni 2001
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Expeditionsrapport från U/F Argos vecka 20, 2001

The temperature was normal, however in the higher region within normal values of the Skagerrak and the Kattegat. Nutrient concentrations in the surface layer were normal for the season in all areas, except the silicate concentration of the Baltic that was slightly lower. Hydrogen sulphide was …

Typ: Rapport
Författare: Bodil Thorstensson
Publicerad: maj 2001
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Expeditionsrapport från U/F Argos vecka 17, 2001

The temperature and nutrient concentrations in the surface layer, were normal for the season in all areas. The spring bloom of phytoplankton had terminated in most of the areas covered. Only in the east part of the Baltic proper it was still going on. Hydrogen sulphide was present at depths greater …

Typ: Rapport
Författare: Lars Edler, Bengt Yhlen
Publicerad: april 2001
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Expeditionsrapport från U/F Argos vecka 40, 2001

Nutrient conditions and surface water temperatures were normal for the season in all areas. Oxygen concentrations below 2 ml/l were found at the bottom in Skälderviken, in the Sound from 15 metres, in western Arkona bassin from 40 meters and in the rest of the Baltic Proper at depths greater than …

Typ: Rapport
Författare: Bengt Yhlen
Publicerad: april 2001
Publicerad: Senast uppdaterad: