Expeditionsrapporter från utsjöövervakningen

Rapporter från SMHIs ordinarie havsövervakningsprogram. Rapporterna är baserade på preliminära, endast delvis kvalitetskontrollerade data.

Expeditionsrapport från U/F Argos vecka 8, 1996

The expedition was performed within SMHIs regular marine monitoring program and covered the Kattegat, the Sound and the Baltic Proper. The surface temperatures was lower than normal in all areas, about -0.5°C in the Kattegat and the southern Baltic and about 1.5 OC , east of Gotland. The oxygen …

Typ: Rapport
Författare: Håkan Palmén
Publicerad: februari 1996
Publicerad: Senast uppdaterad:

Expeditionsrapport från U/F Argos vecka 4, 1996

The surface temperature in central Skagerrak (station M6) was about 6.2°C which is higher than normal, while at station P2 in the south-east the temperature was ca. 0.3°C, much lower than normal. Also in the Kattegat the surface temperature was low. In the Sound there was a sharp gradient in both …

Typ: Rapport
Författare: Bodil Thorstensson
Publicerad: februari 1996
Publicerad: Senast uppdaterad:

Expeditionsrapport från U/F Argos vecka 49, 1995

Low concentrations of hydrogen sulphide were measured at the Bornholm deep (BY 5) from 80 m and by the bottom at Christiansö (BY 4) The oxygen concentration by the bottom in the eastern Arkona Basin (BY 2) was below 2 ml/l, while the western parts (BY 1) were completely vertically mixed with an …

Typ: Rapport
Författare: Bengt Yhlen
Publicerad: december 1995
Publicerad: Senast uppdaterad:

Expeditionsrapport från U/F Argos vecka 46, 1995

The temperatures in the surface layer varied between 7.5-9°C in the Skagerrak and the Kattegat, in the Baltic between 6-10°C. The lowest temperature, 2.2°C, was measured in the northen part of the Bothnian Bay. Hydrogen sulphide was measured at the station BY4 Christiansö and in the Hanö Bight. Low …

Typ: Rapport
Författare: Håkan Palmén
Publicerad: december 1995
Publicerad: Senast uppdaterad: