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Atmospheric boundary layer field experiment in Sweden 1980, GOTEX II, part I.


Data from a comprehensive atmospheric boundary layer experiment in southern Sweden are presented. The measurements were taken during some typical diurnal periods, featuring both convective, daytime regimes and nighttime stable conditions. The site is situated at Klockrike in southern Sweden. This …

Typ: Rapport
Rapportserie: RMK 33
Författare: Ericson, K.
Publicerad: september 1982

Dissipation, dispersion and stability of numerical schemes for advection and diffusion.


Advection and diffusion are fundamental processes in the atmosphere. They express the permanent balance between inertial and viscous forces. Some numerical treatments the equations, describing these processes, are presented. Three spatial discretization techniques, second order finite differences, …

Typ: Rapport
Rapportserie: RMK 34
Författare: Schoeffler, P.
Publicerad: september 1982

The Swedish Limited Area Model. Part A. Formulation.


This report is a description of the Swedish limited area model, at present (June 1982) tested operationally with encouraging results. The models is based on the ECMWF-model, although some simplifications have been done in the physic package. The major differences are that this model uses a simpler …

Typ: Rapport
Rapportserie: RMK 35
Författare: Undén, P.
Publicerad: september 1982

A forest evapotranspiration model using synoptic data.



Typ: Rapport
Rapportserie: RMK 36
Författare: Bringfelt, B.
Publicerad: 1982

Spridning av luftförorening från skorsten i konvektiva gränsskikt.


Målsättningen för detta arbete har varit att formulera en bra men enkel modell för luftföroreningsspridning från skorstenar vid konvektiva meteorologiska förhållanden. Olika modeller diskuteras i rapporten. Den som väljs är den Gaussiska modellen med plymlyftsformler enligt Weil (1980). Ett …

Typ: Rapport
Rapportserie: RMK 37
Författare: Omstedt, G.
Publicerad: september 1982

An aerobiological model for operational forecasts of pollen concentration in the air.


Roughly 10-15% of the population in Sweden suffers from allergic reactions from airborne pollen. One of the most common allergene pollen is the one from birch (Betula verrucosa and Betula pubescens). The pollen season is limited to a period of 3-4 weeks in spring. However, the start of the …

Typ: Rapport
Rapportserie: RMK 38
Författare: Törnevik, Håkan
Publicerad: september 1982

Data rörande Sveriges temperaturklimat.


Monthly and annual ternperature rnean values are presented for 600 Swedish stations for the normal period 1951-80. It is found that this period has been colder than the standard normal period 1931-60. The cooling amounts to 0.2-0.7°. As the mean error of a 30-year annual mean temperature is …

Typ: Rapport
Rapportserie: RMK 39
Författare: Eriksson, Bertil
Publicerad: september 1982

An operational air pollution model using routine meteorological data.


An operational air pollution model using routine meteorological data is described. An hourly time series of pollutant concentrations is calculated for emissions from one or several tall industrial stacks. New methods developed by Nielsen et al. (1981),. Berkowicz and Prahm (1982 a, b), Olesen et …

Typ: Rapport
Rapportserie: RMK 40
Författare: Omstedt, Gunnar
Publicerad: september 1984

Local scale plume model for nitrogen oxides. Model description.


A plume dispersion model on local scale ( 0 - ~ 20 km) including atmospheric chemis try for nitrogen oxides is developed. The purpose of the study is to obtain a practical air quality model which can be used in environmental planning for e.g. coalfired power plants. Problems concerning both …

Typ: Rapport
Rapportserie: RMK 41
Författare: Persson, C., and Funkquist, L.
Publicerad: september 1984

Estimation of orographic precipitation by dynamical interpretation of synoptic model data.


A dynamical model fov, computing orographic precipitation, which utilizes a large-scale numerical model and information about local orography, has been developed. Some cloud physics is incorporated in the model. Theprecipitation is strongly dependent on the estimation of the vertical velocity. The …

Typ: Rapport
Rapportserie: RMK 42
Författare: Gollvik, Stefan
Publicerad: september 1984
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