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An energy balance model for prediction of surface temperatures.


From the winter season 1988/89 and onwards an energy balance model has been used to estimate surface temperatures within a weather seivice system for the road authorities in "Östergötlands" and "Göteborg-Bohuslän" in Sweden. It is based on a simplified form of the energy balance equation at the …

Typ: Rapport
Rapportserie: RMK 63
Författare: Alexandersson, Hans., Gollvik, Stefan, Meuller, Lars
Publicerad: september 1991

Future climate in the Nordic region – survey and synthesis for the next century.


The greenhouse gases carbon dioxide, methane, chlorfluorcarbons and nitrous  oxide are increasing due to man's activities. 0n physical grounds it is generally believed that this will influence the climate of the earth. Observational evidence, mainly global mean temperatures, indicate that the …

Typ: Rapport
Rapportserie: RMK 64
Författare: Alexandersson, Hans, Dahlström, Bengt
Publicerad: september 1992

Regional spridningsmodell för Göteborgs och Bohus, Hallands och Älvsborgs län. (A mesoscale air pollution dispersion model for the Swedish west-coast region. In Swedish with captions also in English.)


MATCH-Västkusten är en regional spridningsmodell för Göteborgs och Bohus, Hallands och Älvsborgs län. Modellen, som utvecklats av SMHI på uppdrag av länsstyrelserna i de tre västkustlänen, skall vara ett redskap i det framtida regionala luftmiljöarbetet. MATCH, som står för "Mesoscale Atmospheric …

Typ: Rapport
Rapportserie: RMK 65
Författare: Persson, Christer., Langner, Joakim, Robertson, Lennart
Publicerad: september 1994

Model description of BIOLA - a biogeochemical lake model.


The biogeochemical lake model BIOLA was developed to be used for eutrophication studies in Sweden. Eutrophication is a threat for lakes in populated areas, and this model was developed to be a tool for managing lakes suffering from eutrophication. There are several measures that can be taken to …

Typ: Rapport
Rapportserie: RH 16
Författare: Charlotta Pers
Publicerad: 2002

Phospherous in a Biogeochemical Lake Model.


BIOLA isa biogeochemical lake model within the V ASTRA research programme. The model's main purpose is to predict the ecological responses to changed nutrient loads. The phosphorus simulations were not satisfactory and the sediment was thought to be the critical part. The aim of this work was to …

Typ: Rapport
Rapportserie: RH 17
Författare: Malva Ahlkrona
Publicerad: 2002

Vattentillgång och höga flöden i Sverige under 1900-talet.


Water resources and floods in Sweden were studied with respect to trends and occurrence, with emphasis on the period 1901-2000. Two periods stand out when it comes to annual runoff: the 1920s, and the two last decades in the study period, with a runoff anomaly compared to the whole century of about …

Typ: Rapport
Rapportserie: RH 18
Författare: Göran Lindström
Publicerad: 17 september 2002

Modellerad kvävetransport, retention och källfördelning för södra Sverige.


Calculations of yearly averages regarding nitrogen leaching, reduction in rivers and lakes, net transport to the sea and source apportionment for the south of Sweden are presented for the period 1985-1994. The calculation are based on daily catchment modelling in 3 725 subbasins with the conceptual …

Typ: Rapport
Rapportserie: RH 13
Författare: Berit Arheimer, Maja Brandt, Gun Grahn, Elisabet Roos och Allan Sjöö
Publicerad: 1997

The TELFLOOD project. Rainfall – Runoff Modelling and forecasting.


The aim of the TELFLOOD project is to improve methods for hydrological forecasting in steepcatchments. The hydrological modelling task of SMHI has been to improve the HBV model and to develop and test routines for model updating and forecasting.

A new response routine, based on the variable …

Typ: Rapport
Rapportserie: RH 14
Författare: Bengt Carlsson, Sten Bergström
Publicerad: 1998

Precipitation and Temperature in the HBV Model. A Comparison of Interpolation Methods.


This report presents an evaluation of three different methods for estimation of areal precipitation and temperature, with special emphasis on their applicability for runoff modelling in the Scandinavian mountains. All three methods estimate the areal values as a weighted mean of the observations at …

Typ: Rapport
Rapportserie: RH 15
Författare: Barbro Johansson
Publicerad: 2000

Influence of river regulation on runoff to the Gulf of Bothnia. Gulf of Bothnia Year 1991.


The project reported here isa subproject within the multi-disciplinary programme "Gulf of Bothnia Year 1991 ".

Runoff from a land area of approximately 490 000 km2 enters the Gulf of Bothnia. This runoff is of essential importance for the flushing of the Gulf. A change in the volume of runoff …

Typ: Rapport
Rapportserie: RH 9
Författare: Bengt Carlsson and Håkan Sanner
Publicerad: 1994
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