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Conceptual modelling of evapotranspiration for simulations of climate change effects.


The evapotranspiration routines in existing conceptual hydrological models have been identified as one of the weaknesses which appear when these rnodels are used for the simulation of hydrological effects of a changing clirnate. The hydrological models in operational use today usually have a very …

Typ: Rapport
Rapportserie: RH 10
Författare: Göran Lindström, Marie Gardelin and Magnus Persson
Publicerad: 1994

HBV-96 – En areellt fördelad modell för vattenkrafthydrologin.



Typ: Rapport
Rapportserie: RH 12
Författare: Göran Lindström, Marie Gardelin, Barbro Johansson, Magnus Persson och Sten Bergström
Publicerad: 1996

Modelling the effects of wetland drainage on high flows.


The effects of drainage on high flows hav~ been studied by means of a conceptual runoffmodel (HBV/PULSE). To find parameters, typical for drained wetlands, the model wascalibrated for two small catchments, one in central Sweden and one in south eastem Finland,where runoff data were available for …

Typ: Rapport
Rapportserie: RH 8
Författare: Barbro Johansson
Publicerad: 1993

Floods in Sweden – Trends and occurrence.


Sweden experienced a number of large floods in the 1980-ies. This raised the question of whether floods were becoming more frequent. A systematic study on floods was carried out, to provide a perspective to past and future floods. Frequency analysis was made using 16 methods. A split-sample …

Typ: Rapport
Rapportserie: RH 6
Författare: Göran Lindström
Publicerad: 17 september 1993

Hydrology of the Baltic Basin. Inflow of fresh water from rivers and land for the period 1950–1990.


A data base of monthly inflow of fresh water from rivers and land to the Baltic Sea and its subbasins is created. The data base covers the period 1950 - 1990 and is based on observations from the national hydrological services of the surrounding countries.

The main features of the data base are …

Typ: Rapport
Rapportserie: RH 7
Författare: Sten Bergström and Bengt Carlsson
Publicerad: 1993

Hydrological modelling of extreme floods in Sweden.


The Swedish guidelines for design flood determination are examined with emphasis on sensitivity analyses of modelling aspects. The research is mainly based on conceptual hydrological modelling with the HBV model. An automatic calibration methodology is presented and discussed. The influence of …

Typ: Rapport
Rapportserie: RH 3
Författare: Joakim Harlin
Publicerad: 1992

The HBV model – its structure and applications.


It is now 20 years since the first presentation of results from the HBV model at the Nordic Hydrological Conference in Sandefjord in 1972. Since then the use of hydrological models has grown dramatically, and today they are standard tools for an increasing number of applications. The HBV model has …

Typ: Rapport
Rapportserie: RH 4
Författare: Sten Bergström
Publicerad: 1992

Modelling groundwater response to acidification.


The observed acidification of lakes and forest soils in Sweden has raised concem over the future of groundwater resources. Many of the processes which effect groundwater quality occur above the water table in the insaturated soil. Models of the hydrology and chemistry in this zone were …

Typ: Rapport
Rapportserie: RH 5
Författare: Per Sandén and Per Warfvinge
Publicerad: september 1992

Human impacts and weather-dependent effects on water balance and water quality in some Swedish river basins.


The weather has a great effect on the water balance and, indirectly, affects water quality of river systems. At the same tirne, man-made changes in the Iandscape and other human activities have a great impact. To be able to distinguish the human irnpacts from the effects of natura! weather …

Typ: Rapport
Rapportserie: RH 2
Författare: Maja Brandt
Publicerad: 1990

Analysis of climate-induced hydrochemical variations in till aquifers.


An investigation  of  the relations  between climatological factors  and short  term variability  in groundwater storage and hydrochemistry in till aquifers is  performed.  The analysis  is  based on a simple empirical hydrological mode!, the PULSE …

Typ: Rapport
Rapportserie: RH 1
Författare: Sten Bergström, Per Sandén and Marie Gardelin
Publicerad: september 1990
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