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A coupled ice-ocean model supporting winter navigation in the Baltic Sea. Part 1. Ice dynamics and water levels.


A sea ice forecasting system for the Baltic Sea is presented together with some illustrations. The model is a dynamic coupled model, consisting of both a sea ice and a storm surge model. The model was forced using wind and pressure fields from the HIRLAM system and was introduced in preoperational …

Typ: Rapport
Rapportserie: RO 17
Författare: Anders Omstedt, Leif Nyberg and Matti Leppäranta
Publicerad: september 1994

Currents in the Gulf of Bothnia. During the Field Year of 1991.


The Eularian experiment during the Gulf of Bothnia Field Year 1991 involved two dynamical experiments, the Open Sea Experiment and the Coastal Transect Experiment. The Open Sea Experiment covered one annual cycle while the Coastal Transect Experiment focused on a summer situation. One of the most …

Typ: Rapport
Rapportserie: RO 19
Författare: Eleonor Marmefelt
Publicerad: september 1994

The conditions of the seas around Sweden. Report from the activities in 1993.


This report describes some basic aspects of the hydrographical conditions in the open sea areas around Sweden, based on SMHls environmental monitoring program during 1993. A new monitoring program has been implemented, consisting of two types different types of stations. First, frequent stations …

Typ: Rapport
Rapportserie: RO 20
Författare: Lars Andersson, Björn Sjöberg and Mikaell Krysell
Publicerad: september 1994

The Gulf of Bothnia Year-1991 – Physical transport experiments.


The Gulf of Bothnia Year 1991 project was a multi-disciplinary programme aiming at a better understanding and knowledge of the ecological system of the northern part of the Baltic Sea, including also the physical processes affecting the system. This report describes the …

Typ: Rapport
Rapportserie: RO 15
Författare: Ray Murthy, Bertil Håkansson and Pekka Alenius (ed.)
Publicerad: september 1992

An operational Baltic Sea circulation model. Part 1. Barotropic version.


A vertically integrated barotropic model for the Baltic Sea is described both in dynamic and numerical 1terms. The model has been ron operationally since March 1993 on a 5 x 5 km grid and is forced by interpolated 10 m winds and surface pressure from the 50 x 50 km HIRLAM atmospheric mode!. The …

Typ: Rapport
Rapportserie: RO 18
Författare: Lennart Funkquist
Publicerad: september 1993

The conditions of the seas around Sweden. Report from activities in 1992.


This report describes same aspects of the hydrographical conditions in the open sea areas around Sweden , based on SMHis environmental monitoring program during 1992. Due to the warm winter the mean sea surface temperature during spring was about 2 °C higher than normal. In Skagerrak events with …

Typ: Rapport
Rapportserie: RO 16
Författare: Lars Andersson, Lars Edler and Björn Sjöberg
Publicerad: september 1993

Real-time modelling and forecasting of temperatures in the Baltic Sea.


A mathematical model for the Baltic Sea has been introduced in an operational system for real-time calculations and forecasts of water temperatures. The model divides the Baltic Sea into 13 sub-basins and treats each sub-basin as a one-dimensional boundary layer with vertical mean velocities based …

Typ: Rapport
Rapportserie: RO 12
Författare: Anders Omstedt
Publicerad: september 1990

Haven runt Sverige 1991. Rapport från SMHI, Oceanografiska Laboratoriet, inklusive PMK - utsjöprogrammet


This report describe SMHls environmental monitoring in the open sea areas around Sweden, from the Skagerrak to the northem part of the Bothnian Sea  A great part of the results from the project described here are also reported as a national Swedish contribution to the Baltic Monitoring …

Typ: Rapport
Rapportserie: RO 14
Författare: Lars Andersson, Stig Carlberg, Lars Edler, Elisabet Fogelqvist, Stig Fonselius, Lotta Fyrberg, Marie Larsson, Håkan Palmén, Björn Sjöberg, Danuta Zagradkin, och Bengt Yhlen
Publicerad: september 1992

Program för miljökvalitetsövervakning – PMK. Utsjöprogram under 1990.


I denna rapport beskrivs en verksamhet med miljöövervakning i de öppna havsområdena runt Sverige, från Kattegatt till nordligaste delen av  bottenhavet. SMHI utför arbetet på uppdrag av Naturvårdsverket, eftersom verksamheten ingår i det nationella programmet för övervakning av …

Typ: Rapport
Rapportserie: RO 13
Författare: Lars Andersson, Stig Carlberg, Elisabet Fogelqvist, Stig Fonselius, Lotta Fyrberg, Håkan Palmén, Eva-Gun Thelén, Danuta Zagridkin, Bengt Yhlén
Publicerad: september 1991

Sea ice properties studied from the ice-breaker Tor during BEPERS-88.


The report presents sea ice data taken during the BEPERS-88 experiment in the Bothnian Bay. Several physical properties (crystal structure, salinity, temperature, density, porosity, and strength) are presented and analysed. In general the data iIlustrate that sea ice is a most komplex medium …

Typ: Rapport
Rapportserie: RO 10
Författare: L. Fransson, B. Håkansson, A. Omstedt och L. Stehn
Publicerad: september 1989
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