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Modelling of anthropogenic sulfur deposition to the African and South American continents.


Acidification problems in developing countries are expected to become more prevalent in the coming decades. Assessments of means of abatement strategies are likely to become of vital interest. This paper presents some preliminary results of modelling of acidic deposition due to anthropogenic …

Typ: Rapport
Rapportserie: RMK 73
Författare: Robertsson, Lennart
Publicerad: maj 1996

Solar UV-radiation monitoring 1996.


Measurements of solar UV-racliation in a small Sweclish network are presented for 1996. this report can be regarded as a supplement to a previous report, Josefsson (l996) where the results of the previous five years were reported, and where details not presented in this small repor! can be found. …

Typ: Rapport
Rapportserie: RMK 74
Författare: Josefsson, Weine
Publicerad: maj 1996

Calculations of PM-10 concentrations in Swedish cities - Modelling of inhalable particles.


The project was initiated by the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency in order to improve the basis for making standards for PM-10 concentrations in urban air. Model development has been made for Norrköping and Gothenburg. Modelling has been necessary of both long-range and local contributions.

Typ: Rapport
Rapportserie: RMK 76
Författare: Bringfelt, Björn, Backström, Hans, Kindell, Sven, Omstedt, Gunnar, Persson, Christer, Ullerstig, Anders
Publicerad: 1997

The Teleflood project, estimation of precipiation over drainage basins.


We have been doing precipitation experiments with a numerical weather prediction model. The model has been run with three different horizontal resolutions, 22, 11 and 5 km respectively. The results show that the model is able to forecast reasonable precipitation amounts in a broad sence, but it has …

Typ: Rapport
Rapportserie: RMK 77
Författare: Gollvik, Stefan
Publicerad: maj 1997

Measurements of total ozone 1994-1996.


This report summarises the quality control, quality assurance and measurements of total ozone at Norrköping and Vindeln during the period 1994-1996. To ensure the quality and link the observations closely to the other ozone data participation in intercomparisons and intemational campaigns are …

Typ: Rapport
Rapportserie: RMK 79
Författare: Josefsson, Weine, Karlsson, Jan-Erik
Publicerad: maj 1997

Methods for statistical downscaling of GCM simulations.


General Circulation Models (GCMs) are used to study the change of climate due to increases in greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. As GCMs operate on !arge spatial scales, and, furthermore, as the GCM-simulated temporal resolution corresponds to monthly averages at best, the usefulness of GCM data …

Typ: Rapport
Rapportserie: RMK 80
Författare: Rummukainen, Markku
Publicerad: maj 1997

Solar irradiance modelling using satellite retrieved cloudiness - A pilot study.


Accurate measurements of incoming solar radiation at the Earth' s surface are made by present ground based networks. The data are of high quality and high  sampling frequency but there is a lack of spatial coverage. Areas of great interest may not have any observations at all. Since clouds are …

Typ: Rapport
Rapportserie: RMK 81
Författare: Persson, Thomas
Publicerad: maj 1997

RCA - Rossby Centre regional Atmospheric climate model: model description and results from the first multi-year simulation.


The first version of the Rossby Centre regional climate model (RCA) has now been developed. The RCA model is based on a parallel coding of the operational weather forecast model HIRLAM. Some modifications have been done on the model formulation, especially in its surface/snow/soil scheme, in an …

Typ: Rapport
Rapportserie: RMK 83
Författare: Markku Rummukainen, Jouni Räisänen, Anders Ullerstig, Björn Bringfelt, Ulf Hansson, Phil Graham and Ulrika Willen Rossby Centre, SMHI
Publicerad: maj 1997

Simulation of present-day climate in Northen Europé in the HadCM2 OAGCM.


The performance of a global coupled atmosphere-ocean general circulation model, HadCM2, in simulating present-day climate in Sweden and Northern Europe is studied. The study is motivated by the use of HadCM2 within the SWEdish regional CLimate Modelling programme SWECLIM. In particular, HadCM2 …

Typ: Rapport
Rapportserie: RMK 84
Författare: Jouni Räisänen and Ralf Döscher
Publicerad: maj 1998
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