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Using the Sun to check some weather radar parameters


Precipitation rnonitoring is a rnain task for weather radar applications. In quantitative applications, as estirnation of the rain rate, the fundamental quantity is the rneasurernent of the intensity of the retum signal strength, giving the so called reflectivity factor, or reflectivity, which is …

Typ: Rapport
Rapportserie: RMK 93
Författare: Andersson, T
Publicerad: maj 2000

SWECLIM - The First Three Years


The Swedish Regional Clirnate Modeling Program (SWECLIM) is a 6-year national research effort with the airn of providing the Swedish society with more detailed regional climate scenarios than typically available from international global clirnate rnodel simulations. The background is the perceived …

Typ: Rapport
Rapportserie: RMK 94
Författare: Rummukainen, M. / Bergström, S. / Källén, E. / Moen, L. / Rodhe, J / Tjernström, M
Publicerad: 2000

The first Rossby Centre regional climate scenario for the Baltic Sea using a 3D coupled ice-ocean model


Temperature, salinity, sea ice and sea leve! in the Baltic Sea have been analyzed under different climate conditions using a 3D coupled ice-ocean mode!. As a reference, hindcast simulations for the period 1980-93 have been performed with observed three-hourly meteorological forcing fields and …

Typ: Rapport
Rapportserie: RMK 95
Författare: Meier, H.E.M
Publicerad: maj 2001

A system for modelling solar radiation parameters with mesoscale spatial resolution


Today, modern analysis systems synthesise meteorological data from a number of sources, e.g.\ round based SYNOP, satellites, radar, etc., into field information which enable us to model radiation at the Earth’s surface on the mesoscale. At the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute …

Typ: Rapport
Rapportserie: RMK 96
Författare: Landelius, T. /Josefsson, W. / Persson, T
Publicerad: 2001

A NOAA AVHRR cloud climatology over Scandinavia covering the period 1991-2000


A ten-year NOAA A VHRR cloud climatology with a horizontal resolution of four km has been compiled over the Scandinavian region based on results from near real-lime cloud classifications of the SMHl SCANDlA mode!. The frequency and geographic distribution ofthe cloud groups Low-, Medium- and …

Typ: Rapport
Rapportserie: RMK 97
Författare: Karlsson, K-G
Publicerad: 2001

The land surface treatment for the Rossby Centre Regional Atmospheric Climate Model - version 2 (RCA2)


A new version of the land surface scheme has been completed and is now applied in comparative tests of version 2 of the Rossby Centre Regional Atmospheric Climate Model (RCA2) using analysed fields from the ECMWF reanalysis project (ERA). The scheme contains two soil layers and a vegetation layer. …

Typ: Rapport
Rapportserie: RMK 98
Författare: Bringfelt, B. /Räisänen, J. / Gollvik, S. / Lindström, G. / Graham, P. / Ullerstig, A
Publicerad: maj 2001

Reconstructing atmospheric surface data for the period 1902-1998 to force a coupled ocean-sea ice model of the Baltic Sea


A statistical mode! is developed to reconstruct atmospheric surface data for the period 1902-I998 to force a coupled ocean-sea ice mode! of the Baltic Sea. As the longest time scale of the Baltic Sea is on the order of 30 years, climate relevant model studies should cover century Iong …

Typ: Rapport
Rapportserie: RMK 99
Författare: Kauker, F / Meier, H.E.M
Publicerad: maj 2002

GCM driven simulations of recent and future climate with the Rossby Centre coupled atmosphere - Baltic Sea regional climate model RCAO


A series of six general circulation model (GCM) driven regional climate simulations made at the Rossby Centre, SMHI, during the year 2002 are documented. For both the two driving GCMs HadAM3H and ECHAM4/OPYC3, a 30-year (1961-1990) control run and two 30-year (2071-2100) scenario runs have been …

Typ: Rapport
Rapportserie: RMK 101
Författare: Räisänen, J., /Hansson, U. / Ullerstig, A. / Döscher, R. / Graham, L.P. / Jones, C. / Meier, M. / Samuelsson, P / Willén, U
Publicerad: 2003

Klimatmodellering och klimatscenarier ur SWECLIMs perspektiv


Det svenska regionala klimatmodelleringsprogrammet SWECLIM syftade till att  förse det svenska samhället med en väsentlig kunskapsförbättring av besluts- och åtgärdsunderlaget för det nationella klimatarbetet. Regionalisering av globala klimatscenarier till en mer detaljerad bild av möjliga …

Typ: Rapport
Rapportserie: RMK 102
Författare: Tjernström, M. / Rummukainen, M. / Bergström, S. / Rodhe, J. / Persson, G
Publicerad: maj 2003

Numerical Quantification of Driving Rain on Buildings


Rain, which is given a horizontal velocity component by the influence of wind, is termed winddriven or driving rain. Driving rain is one of the main sources to the amount of moisture a building is exposed to, and thereby contributes to the processes deteriorating the building envelope. Examples of …

Typ: Rapport
Rapportserie: RMK 103
Författare: Segersson, D
Publicerad: 2003
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