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Expeditionsrapport från U/F Argos vecka 23, 1999


The surface water temperatures were normal for the whole area. The nutrient concentrations were low in all sea areas with exception of HS 5 at the Jutland coast (high nitrate) and W Landskrona in the Sound (high silicate). These low values are normal for the season due to the algal blooms. Oxygen …

Typ: Rapport
Författare: Bodil Thorstensson
Publicerad: juni 1999

Expeditionsrapport från U/F Argos vecka 20, 1999


Surface water temperatures as well as all nutrient concentrations were normal for the season in all areas. In the Skagerrak and in the Kattegat, the spring bloom was over. An ongoing spring bloom was observed in the northwestern part of the Baltic. Oxygen concentrations below 2 ml/l were found in …

Typ: Rapport
Författare: Bengt Yhlen
Publicerad: maj 1999

Expeditionsrapport från U/F Argos vecka 16, 1999


Surface water temperatures were normal for the season in all areas. In the Skagerrak, high nitrate concentrations were detected along the Jutland coast, where there also was a high algal production. In the rest of the Skagerrak and in the Kattegat, the spring bloom was almost over. In the Baltic …

Typ: Rapport
Författare: Lars Andersson
Publicerad: april 1999

Expeditionsrapport från U/F Argos vecka 12, 1999


The surface nutrient concentrations were still at winter level in the Baltic with the exception of the Bornholm and Arkona basins . The spring bloom had started as was seen from the nitrate and chlorophyll analyses and from measurements of fluorescence. In the northern Kattegat and the southern …

Typ: Rapport
Författare: Bodil Thorstensson
Publicerad: mars 1999

Expeditionsrapport från U/F Argos vecka 8, 1999


Mapping for the winter pool of nutrients in the Baltic was performed. The weather during the first part of the expedition was dominated by strong northerly winds while during the later part weak to moderate winds from south to southwest dominated. Nutrient concentrations were at typical winter …

Typ: Rapport
Författare: Lars Andersson
Publicerad: mars 1999

Expeditionsrapport från U/F Argos vecka 6, 1999


Nutrient concentrations in the surface water of the Skagerrak were mapped. High concentrations of nitrogen associated with continental river water was found in the south eastern and eastern Skagerrak surface water and at intermediate water in the Kattegatt.

Typ: Rapport
Författare: Nils Kajrup
Publicerad: februari 1999

Expeditionsrapport från U/F Argos vecka 3, 1999


Mapping for the winter pool of nutrients in the Kattegat was performed. The weather was dominated by moderate winds from south to southwest. The sea surface temperatures as well as the surface nutrient concentrations were normal for the season. The spring-bloom had not yet started in any area. The …

Typ: Rapport
Författare: Bengt Yhlen
Publicerad: januari 1999

Expeditionsrapport från U/F Argos vecka 49-50, 2000


The surface temperatures varied from 9.5°C in the Skagerrak to 5°C Bothnian Bay. Due to the very mild autumn the surface temperature in the Kattegat exceeded the normal values with 2°C and in the Baltic with 3.5°C . The nutrient concentrations were generally normal for the season with a few …

Typ: Rapport
Författare: Bengt Yhlen
Publicerad: december 2000

Expeditionsrapport från U/F Argos vecka 45, 2000


The temperatures varied between 9.3°C in the northern Batlic proper and 12.5°C in the Skagerrak. Nutrient concentrations were generally normal for the season with a few exceptions. The bottom water oxygen deficiency in the southeastern Katteagatt was restored to normal oxygen concentrations. In the …

Typ: Rapport
Författare: Nils Kajrup
Publicerad: november 2000

Expeditionsrapport från U/F Argos vecka 40, 2000


There was an enlarged sampling in the south-eastern Kattegat to examine the oxygen of the bottom water. The water near the bottom in Laholmsbukten and Skälderviken had an oxygen content of 0.10 and 0.38 ml/l respectively. In the Sound there was less than 2 ml/l from 15 meters and deeper at W …

Typ: Rapport
Författare: Bodil Thorstensson
Publicerad: oktober 2000
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