This report is related to the BONUS project “Nutrient Cocktails in COAstal zones of the Baltic Sea” alias COCOA. The aim of BONUS COCOA is to investigate physical, biogeochemical and biological processes in a combined and coordinated fashion to improve the understanding of the interaction of …
Typ: Rapport
Rapportserie: RO 61
Författare: Kari Eilola, Stina Lindqvist, Elin Almroth-Rosell, Moa Edman, Iréne Wåhlström, Marco Bartoli,
Dorota Burska, Jacob Carstensen, Dana Hellemann, Susanna Hietanen, Stefan Hulth,
Urszula Janas, Halina Kendzierska, Dorota Pryputniewicz-Flis, Maren Voss, Mindaugas
Publicerad: december 2017